
Your contact to us

Welcome to almaSaffron®,

we, ANWIDEA GmbH, are a food company based in Frankfurt, Berlin and Dietzenbach.
We have been producing saffron products, the almaSaffron®, since 2018 and serve numerous customers and companies. We attach great importance to purity and are characterized by our first-class saffron quality, certified according to ISO-3632-1 class 1.
Saffron is a noble spice and is also treated accordingly.
At almaSaffron®, we offer you the opportunity to order the finest hand-picked saffron for your dishes. Whether gourmet kitchen or for home, we supply everyone.

Do you have any questions about our offer? Simply fill out the contact form and we will contact you as soon as possible. We look forward to your inquiry!

49 (0) 6074 6274990

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